I was a happy, healthy, newlywed 4th grade teacher when a random virus paralyzed my GI system, along with parts of my vascular and musculoskeletal systems. Seemingly overnight I became a young woman on medical disability, fed by a feeding tube and watching multiple parts of my body struggle to survive, over and over again.
In the span of two years, I was diagnosed with gastroparesis, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Graves disease, cancer, dysphasia, Raynaud’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), visceral hypersensitivity, Lyme Disease, vocal chord paralysis, and more. I began to collect new allergies like baseball cards, eliminating more and more foods and medical options from my diet and lifestyle. My limitations prevented me from doing what I loved best- teaching, running, singing, enjoying restaurants with friends and more.
I could have stayed in that dark and lonely place. I was malnourished, scared and desperate for answers.
But I made a choice to make a change.
And you can too.
I made a choice to make a change. My medical osbtacles are not a thing of the past, nor can I predict what tomorrow may bring, but I have learned to adapt and even thrive in my new lifestyle. I am a happy and healthy coach. And I am ready to offer a helping hand to help you reclaim yours.
Are you ready to make a change? Let’s talk. Schedule your initial consultation with me today.